There are several invasive alien species (IAS) in Rwanda and they have had serious adverse impacts on various types of biodiversity resources (terrestrial and aquatic). The Water Hyacinth introduced as an ornamental plant has impacted Lake Mihinda in the Eastern Province and Lake Kishanju which has more or less completely disappeared together with the fisheries resources it supported (REMA, 2016). The species continues to spread to other water bodies where it has seriously impacted biodiversity resources. Fish predators ( Clarias gariepinus and Protopterus aethiopicus introduced to control gastropods and boost fisheries production have become invasive; thereby becoming a big threat to other indigenous fish species ( Tilapiines , Haplochromines and other small native fish species) whose populations have drastically declined. In terrestrial ecosystems, the main IAS include, Lantana camara and the jointed cactus Opuntia spp. (Opuntia is also a big threat in some of the protected areas as
National Target 8: National Target 8: By 2020, invasive alien species, their pathways, are identified and prioritized invasive alien species controlled or eradicated.
Aichi targets