National Target 3: By 2020, at the latest, positive incentives for biodiversity conservation and sustainability towards

National Target 3: By 2020, at the latest, positive incentives for biodiversity conservation and sustainability towards local communities‟ development is boosted and applied and harmful incentives are eliminated.

A significant proportion of the population still depends directly on the exploitation of natural resources for survival and livelihood. This has a significant impact on environmental resources, and with increasing population pressure, there is potential for ecosystem degradation. While the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) has over the years increased patrols and surveillance in the national parks which have significantly reduced human/wildlife conflicts, the problem still exists and could escalate especially if people don’t directly benefit (NBSAP, 2016). Threats  include encroachments, over-extraction of resources, poaching for game meat and trophies among others. Carnivores are also threatened with extinction in most of the PA as they are killed or poisoned. There is, therefore, a need to incentivize conservation to the local communities. Other positive subsidies need to be enhanced/provided while harmful ones should be removed.

Aichi targets